hara xx
BAP's Comeback! 0

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ So I woke up specifically early today because BAP would be releasing their comeback album and music video at 12PM KST. But TS Ent cheat our feelings and it came out later. So anyways, the music video 'Stop It' has finally been released and I have to admit that the concept was not quite as to what I had expected, in a good way though! BAP is known for their rugged, rough and bad boy image but this is very refreshing I might say. As compared to 'Crash', both concepts are similar but 'Crash' is more to cute whereas 'Stop It' is more to fun, edgy and a bit classy. Normally I don't really like those type of genres but BAP turned the table. The song is really growing on me right now. Check out the music video!

I love how Yongguk is the focus of the music video. Who knows the tough leader can act so adorably and funny. Each and everyone of them look great, btw. It's ironic how they first debuted with blond hair and now they're ending their promotion for this year with blond as well(i see what you did there). Though I don't really quite get the plot of the video. Yongguk turned invisible after he was knocked down by a car; driven by Daehyun lol and then he grows a tail and then at the end of the video that woman could see him...? I'm not grasping the idea here. But anyways, great song and great video nevertheless!
So after watching their video, I went to listen to their other songs in the album and this particular song got me intrigued. 'Happy Birthday'. I think it's just me but I started tearing up a little when I listened to it. I mean, for  years, no one has actually sang me a real birthday song and I was quite a lonely whenever my birthday comes each year. Like I've mentioned in my 'Birthday' blog post, I've never really experienced a real birthday celebration before(except when I was a 3 year old child but that doesn't count because I couldn't remember a single thing and I can barely talk so). But now, I may not need to worry about being alone anymore. From now on, everytime my birthday comes, I will look forward to it because BAP is there to sing me a birthday song. Although my birthday has passed just a few days ago, this will still do. Thank You BAP <3

(Daehyun looks super adorable here!)

(I don't own the gifs btw, gifs credit to rightful owners!)