hara xx
Sick Sunday 0

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ So I've been on my bed practically all day. Definitely not a good and bright Sunday for me. Fever and flu started to kick in yesterday and it became worsen today. I took my medicines, slept throughout the whole day and it just won't get better. I couldn't even sleep well at night. I would wake up every second just to blow my nose. Even listening to my iPod to put me to sleep didn't work. I kept sneezing and sneezing and did I ever mention how much I hate sneezing!?! It ticks me off every time I had to sneeze because it hurts my nose and throat for some reason. And one thing I hate about being sick is that your appetite to eat is completely down the drain and you can't even taste a tinge of it. Sometimes my tummy would get upset because it can't take in the food and then I would puke it out and it's just so disgusting and the feeling just sucks. I just hope this sickness will go away soon enough. I hate being sick!