hara xx
Sick Sunday 0

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ So I've been on my bed practically all day. Definitely not a good and bright Sunday for me. Fever and flu started to kick in yesterday and it became worsen today. I took my medicines, slept throughout the whole day and it just won't get better. I couldn't even sleep well at night. I would wake up every second just to blow my nose. Even listening to my iPod to put me to sleep didn't work. I kept sneezing and sneezing and did I ever mention how much I hate sneezing!?! It ticks me off every time I had to sneeze because it hurts my nose and throat for some reason. And one thing I hate about being sick is that your appetite to eat is completely down the drain and you can't even taste a tinge of it. Sometimes my tummy would get upset because it can't take in the food and then I would puke it out and it's just so disgusting and the feeling just sucks. I just hope this sickness will go away soon enough. I hate being sick! 

Why? 0
I always care about other people's feelings. I choose my words wisely, careful enough not to get them hurt. But why don't I receive the same treatment? Why can't anyone just consider how I feel for once?....
BAP's Comeback! 0

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ So I woke up specifically early today because BAP would be releasing their comeback album and music video at 12PM KST. But TS Ent cheat our feelings and it came out later. So anyways, the music video 'Stop It' has finally been released and I have to admit that the concept was not quite as to what I had expected, in a good way though! BAP is known for their rugged, rough and bad boy image but this is very refreshing I might say. As compared to 'Crash', both concepts are similar but 'Crash' is more to cute whereas 'Stop It' is more to fun, edgy and a bit classy. Normally I don't really like those type of genres but BAP turned the table. The song is really growing on me right now. Check out the music video!

I love how Yongguk is the focus of the music video. Who knows the tough leader can act so adorably and funny. Each and everyone of them look great, btw. It's ironic how they first debuted with blond hair and now they're ending their promotion for this year with blond as well(i see what you did there). Though I don't really quite get the plot of the video. Yongguk turned invisible after he was knocked down by a car; driven by Daehyun lol and then he grows a tail and then at the end of the video that woman could see him...? I'm not grasping the idea here. But anyways, great song and great video nevertheless!
So after watching their video, I went to listen to their other songs in the album and this particular song got me intrigued. 'Happy Birthday'. I think it's just me but I started tearing up a little when I listened to it. I mean, for  years, no one has actually sang me a real birthday song and I was quite a lonely whenever my birthday comes each year. Like I've mentioned in my 'Birthday' blog post, I've never really experienced a real birthday celebration before(except when I was a 3 year old child but that doesn't count because I couldn't remember a single thing and I can barely talk so). But now, I may not need to worry about being alone anymore. From now on, everytime my birthday comes, I will look forward to it because BAP is there to sing me a birthday song. Although my birthday has passed just a few days ago, this will still do. Thank You BAP <3

(Daehyun looks super adorable here!)

(I don't own the gifs btw, gifs credit to rightful owners!)
Chores 0

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ Today is actually the day I'm finally not lazy lol. Woke up early this morning because I had to meet Wan Yi. She gave me a belated birthday gift, so sweet of her! It was a small package(which is super cute btw), and it contained a card, small flower pins and flower hair clips wrapped into a bouquet. What makes it a lot cuter is that all of it were handmade. Check it out!

So the flowers were actually made into different colors of roses. Not to mention how much I looooove roses btw. Roses are like the most beautiful out of the beautiful flowers that have ever existed. I'll love anyone who gives me roses, no kidding. So she briefly explained to me what each color symbolizes. I kind of forgot what she said lol but I did a little research about it and I found out that the red roses symbolize sincere Love, Respect, Courage & Passion. I guess that was only meant for roses but since she only gave me a single rose, then it probably means 'I Love You'...... *awkward* but I love her anyways. Moving on, the light pink rose she gave me conveys Admiration, Gentleness, Grace, Gladness, Joy and Sweetness, which she said she wished I have! To be honest, I am far from gentleness or sweetness. I guess pink roses aren't meant for me. The yellow rose, on the other hand, indicates Joy, Gladness, Friendship and "I Care". This is one of the colors I love because it signifies friendship and that's all that matters to me, the friendship we both had. How sweet! She also explained to me the meaning of the blue rose. She mentioned something about 'achieving your dreams'. Well from what I know, blue rose don't quite exist so I doubt it meant anything but I did a research on it and it says blue roses are beautiful and perfect roses that are searched for by all, but it still remains a dream; a fantasy. Therefore, blue roses symbolize something that is impossible to achieve; something that is unattainable that will only remain a dream that can never be realized. So erm... GURL YOU'RE SAYING I CAN'T ACHIEVE MY DREAM!? YO HOLD MY EARRINGS! lol I'm kidding, I still love you. I guess you meant the opposite but it's okay, I'll still work hard to attain that dream no matter what. Last but not least, the green rose! (for all you people who care, green is actually my favorite color :-) So a green rose basically means Calm, Fertility, Fruitfulness.  The most popular meaning of a green rose is that of fertility, mainly because the color green itself symbolizes nature and life I guess. I also read that a green rose also represents a sense of calm and tranquility as psychologists believe that green brings about a sense of balance, stability and peace to the mind. I absolutely love the green rose! Actually she gave me a grey rose as well but that color doesn't mean anything so I should just leave that out. But overall, I really really really love and appreciate the gifts she gave me. It may be small but they were handmade and it's what the thought that counts anyway. Handmade gifts are always the best, hands down. The card she made is hilarious lol I don't know if I should be laughing because it's really funny or maybe it's just completely embarrassing. Anyways, thank you so much for the gifts. I love you best friend! 

That's not all actually. Once I got home, I used up my time doing house chores, surprisingly. I am famous for being lazy and I don't know what got into me but I just had to clean up the entire house, including my room. It took me 5 solid hours and it was tiring as hell but it's all worth it because everything's clean now and.... yup it's just clean. That's all for now folks! I'm gonna hit the sack early today because my eyes are so droopy due to lack of sleep. Bye now.

I Will Show You 0
You’re probably wearing the clothes I bought you
You probably put on the cologne I bought you
And right now, you’re probably meeting her and laughing
Did you like her that much that you had to leave me?
How much more do I have to be better?
No matter how much I try to erase you
We spent so many days together
The past times are so regrettable that tears keep flowing but…
I will show you a completed changed me
I will show you a way prettier me
I don’t wanna cry like a fool over love, over you who left
I will meet a hotter guy and I will show you for sure
A me who is happier than you
I won’t be sad without you, I won’t break down
Boy you gotta be aware
I neatly change my hairstyle and carefully apply my makeup
With my high heels and short skirt, everyone turns to look at me
If I ever run into you, I will give a dazzling smile
Pass by your surprised face and click clack go on my way
I will show you a completed changed me
I will show you a way prettier me
I don’t wanna cry like a fool over love, over you who left
I will meet a hotter guy and I will show you for sure
A me who is happier than you
I won’t be sad without you, I won’t break down
Boy you gotta be aware
I will throw away the ring you gave me
I will erase the letters you wrote me
Without lingering attachment, without regret, I’ll forget you
I wanna forget you, I wanna erase you
I will show you a completed changed me
I will show you a way prettier me
I don’t wanna cry like a fool over love, over you who left
I will meet a hotter guy and I will show you for sure
A me who is happier than you
I won’t be sad without you, I won’t break down
Boy you gotta be aware

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ I'm up early today and I just wanted to update with a new post. Now, if you read the text I quoted above, it's actually the English lyrics to Ailee's song 'I Will Show You'. I did blog about it in my first post but I just wanted to share with you guys the meaning of the song. I'm sure you guys have had heart breaks before. It's the worse feeling ever, I know.. All of you girls out there, if it makes you feel any better, I'm telling you, you're not the only ones. But then I've been doing a lot of thinking. And by a lot, I really meant A LOT. I shouldn't waste my tears on him. I have better use for it. Like crying for my mother or crying for that outfit I've been longing for or crying for idols I love.. anything but NEVER cry for a jerk. A jerk who is all flower on the outside but he has nothing but a black heart.

To all girls out there who are crying and screaming and begging for your man, please don't. Have some dignity and stand up for yourself. You're a wonderful girl and it's his loss for leaving you, for treating you a true man shouldn't. Don't regret for not being able to be the best girlfriend for him. Instead, make him regret for not being a better boyfriend. Show him how strong you are. Show him that you're not a little girl who only cries over puppy love. Show him you can get someone better than him. Show him you can be happy without him. Show him that new you that can make him regret his whole life. Make him reminisce the past he wish he could restart. "I will show you a completed changed me. I will show you a way prettier me. I don’t wanna cry like a fool over love, over you who left. I will meet a hotter guy and I will show you for sure. A me who is happier than you. I won’t be sad without you, I won’t break down. Boy you gotta be aware." But remember girls, if they want you back, don't give in. It still shows that you lose and he wins. Be careful, he may like you back mainly because of how you look like and how much of a success you are, not because they had a change of heart and wants to make up for what they had done. You know how much of a jerk he was and he will never change unless he proves it. So my advice to you is, stay strong and NEVER cry for an ungrateful person.
Birthday 0

You know that feeling when you come home, being absolutely clueless about everything, and as soon as you open the door, you're greeted with so much love. Candles that light up the room. Decorations that make everything seem sophisticated. The cheers and laughs of the people that liven up the atmosphere. That feeling of happiness you get once every year. That feeling of assurance that convinced you there are people out there who remembers the date you were brought to this world. That blessed feeling you get when people put so much effort to make the best celebration for you, indicating how much they spare a thought for you and how they joined forces to commemorate the day you were born. It shows how much you mean to them. All that mixed emotions and feelings you get to experience on just that one particular day... A real birthday celebration... celebrated with your love ones. 

18 October; whenever that day comes each year, I thought to myself, when and will I ever get the chance to experience that moment?...
First Post 0

Hello guys! What is up what is up ~ As you can see, this is my very first post on this very new blog. I used to blog before about 3 years ago but I realized there were too many embarrassing posts I can't even glance at it anymore so I deleted it and now I'm back with a fresh new page with a fresh new post. 

So in the afternoon I was thinking of what to post and I don't know how or why it came up but I just had to blog about a Korean soloist, Ailee. She's a rookie soloist who debuted with a single called 'Heaven'. Honestly I fell in love with the song the moment I listened to it. Not only that she's beautiful, she's also amazingly talented. She has that distinctive voice you can never get tired of. Her strong vocal ability is rare for a Korean idol to have, to be honest. I really admire her. She seems to be very promising and I am her fan already.

And recently, she made a comeback with a mini-album called 'Invitation'. So currently she's promoting one of her songs from the album which is 'I will show you'. I fell in love with the song right away, yet again. I love how the song started off with a slow melody and then it became all groovy. Such a classy combination. I think I have a girl crush on her lol. 

Check her music video out below! (p.s she looks absolutely stunning!!!)